OAFC Summer Training
Standing Firm in Chirst July 2011
Dear Pr Hicham,
Thank you for your participation in the 2011 OAFC Summer Training. The complete Summer Training report is here. You can also check our Crier page on the OAFC web site for a single page document that could be used in newsletters and shared with others.
2011 Summer Training Report
Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ (OAFC), an outreach ministry serving congregations of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod held its 2011 National Summer Training July 7-14 which was based at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Springfield, MO. 124 Youth & Adult Ambassadors and guests took part in the event that was hosted by local LCMS churches in Springfield, Aurora, Bolivar, Branson, Forsyth, Lockwood, and Marshfield. These and other area congregations also provided support for meals and other events.
"Stand Firm in Christ" was selected as the Summer Training theme for 2011. This theme based on 2 Corinthians 1:21 was echoed through the week in team time, large group assemblies, Bible Studies and workshops.
Two major changes were made in the summer training schedule with a Thursday start and adding one day to the schedule. After a team building activity and supper, Summer Training made its official beginning with a brief time of worship that included soon to be vicar Mark Triplett and soon to be ordained and installed pastor Matthew Tassey. Friday included preparing for the full OAFC Outreach Weekend which would start that evening at nine area churches. Teams canvassed on behalf of their assigned church on Saturday. On Sunday morning each team had a special part in sharing the Gospel of Christ during Sunday school and Sunday Worship at their host congregation. Teams also led a devotional program at a care home in the area.
Monday morning brought the entire group back to Springfield. A variety of workshops were offered the next three days including some led by Springfield area pastors. Area pastors also led the morning devotions each day. Rev. Hicham Chehab of the Chicagoland Lutheran Muslim Mission Association was our keynote speaker on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
In addition to activities for the entire group, each person was also assigned to one of 9 smaller teams. Teams served area churches with OAFC Outreach Weekends and had Bible study each morning, personal devotion time, worked on and heard personal witnesses, and prepared for canvassing. On Monday evening the entire group conducted a canvass for a new mission start by Redeemer Lutheran Church in Ozark.
From our canvasses, we were privileged to visit 3245 homes. We talked with people at 1430 of these homes. No one was home at 1815 homes where we left Gospel literature. 75 persons were discovered who welcomed a follow up visit. Of the 889 persons who answered the question, 503 made a confession of being certain of going to heaven because Jesus Christ had paid for all of their sin. 11 area youth and 9 adults were trained in witnessing with OAFC.
OAFC is a partner in the Ablaze vision of the LCMS in reaching 100million people with the Good News of Jesus by 2017. During our calls we talked to 131 persons toward that goal. These are people who have no church or are not active in a church, and to whom we have been able to share the Good News of Jesus, and who have a chance to respond to that message.
During the annual OAFC meeting, Pastor Dan Smith was recognized for his time serving as Executive Director and Dan Barz was recognized for over 10 years serving as the Assistant to the Executive Director. Rev. David Dobbertien of Seward, Nebraska was installed as the new Intentional Interim Executive Director.
The Summer Training Happening was held Wednesday evening at Redeemer with Pastor Jeff Sippy giving the message. After the closing devotion the next morning, two travel teams set out with one traveling to Wisconsin, while the other toured Missouri and Iowa. Their rendezvous is July 24.
The place and dates for the 2012 Summer Training have not yet been set. When they become available they will be posted on the OAFC web site and will be published in the Crier. New Years Gathering information will also be announced when it becomes available.
Closing Notes
God blessed our canvassing this year. While the number at Summer Training was about the same and the weather was hot, we were able to reach many more people than in 2010.
If anyone would like to share Summer Training photos on our OAFC Photo Page of the website and maybe in future Criers. Please e-mail them to me. D. Barz
Standing Firm in Christ,
Daniel Barz, Crier Editor
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